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Fight Against COVID-19

with Entertainment !!

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Preliminary Group A

Now on YouTube! clik HERE!

Voting is open!

Next: May 16th   2:00pm  (Japan time zone)

Preliminary Group B !

Winner Prize ¥1,000,000 JPY

(Approx. $9,300USD)

Judges are audience by voting !!

Which act do you Like the BEST! ?


Entertainer, Artist and anyone with incredible skill!

Any genre, No age restrictions, Any Nationality

Please see details for Applicant


You can apply as many times as you want during the Preliminary rounds!

(as of now, 6/27 is the last preliminary group, so final deadline is on 6/20)

*Depending on the number of submission, the schedule and deadline might be changed. 

"Like the BEST!" is a charity project to help the world with entertainers and its lovers

"Let's support the medical field together with the power of Entertainment and Art!"


Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 (coronavirus), various entertainment industries are now restrained.  I've been thinking about what we can do with entertainment.

The answer is to host an online all-genre performance video contest "Like the BEST!" so that entertainers and artists can contribute to the fight against COVID-19.


The power of your performance makes audience happy around the world.


Then, the audience with enriched heart support the medical workers at the forefront financially.

Off course, donation from applicants is very welcome, too.

If you can relate to the project, please share the website on your:

Broadcast on YouTube 

Scheduled every Saturday at 14:00

(Japan time)

* Schedule may change depending on the number of applicants



May 2nd   Greeting & brief description of Like the BEST!

Preliminary Group  Around 8 contestants each

Block May

A. May 9th   B. May 16th    C. May 23rd    D. May 30th

Block June

E June 6th   FJune 13th   GJune 20th   H. June 27th  


Semi-Final Top two contestants of each group

July 4th    Block May

July 11th   Block June


Final  Top 3 contestants from semi-finals

July 18th 

Organized, Sponsored, Produced by :Kenichi Ebina(EBIKEN), CEO  LinQuest, Inc

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