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Winner announced!
Paint art performer, ColorhythmRisa is crowned the WINNER!!
Schedule changes
Updated schedule
July 18th The result of Semi-Final of June block & performance videos which were unqualified to the Preliminary groups
July 25th FINAL
Aug 1st Recap of Like the BEST! & announce the winner
Rule changes of submitting video
There are some changes in rules of video submission to make it easier for applicants to apply and give more options!
Click here for updated rules and conditions.
If you have any questions that you do not understand, please contact us from contact page .
Cooperator joined!
Rikuto Kawaai
- making caption / subtitle on "Like the BEST!" show on YouTube from preliminary Group C video.
Important notice about donation
Initially, it was being planned to solicit support from everyone as the Like the BEST fund, and make a 50% donation to the "Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)" and the WHO "COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund", but in Japan, donations through individual projects like this project, there is a possibility that it is illegal to do so, and I haven't find a solution to receive fund and donate to those organization yet at this point.
Therefore I'm asking everyone who agrees with the project and who enjoy Like the BEST! to donate directly to either the "Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)" or the WHO "COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund", OR both organizations by going to their websites below.
If I find a way that you can send you donations to "Like the BEST!", I will install it again.
Also, those who have sent donation to "Like the BEST !" while donation system was on, I have already made refund procedure, so please check. If it's not refunded yet, please let me know from the CONTACT page. I will respond and refund for sure.
BAZINGA, Inc. made cool videos for Like the BEST!
- made promo videos for TikTok and Intro video in "Like the BEST!" video on YouTube
Schedule change
Due to several reasons, the broadcast of the first Preliminary round has been postponed to from May 2nd May 9th.
Accordingly, first deadline of application for first group has been chenged from April 27th to May 2nd. Still, application is always accepted during entire preliminary period.
Also instead, on May 2nd, I will release the video of presentation what Like the BEST! is and how to enjoy as it's 1 week prior.
I'm sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.
Cooperators joined!
Cooperators joined the operation and production of Like the BEST!
Kazuya Suganami (Out of Theater Producer)
- mainly SNS operation & management
Kentarrow Homma (All Countries National Anthem Jukeboxer) Mainly Voting system - - mainly creating voting system, operation and management
Applicants WANTED!
You can as many times as you want! Also anytime during preliminary period. But selection for preliminary rounds will be determined from all the applications, so it'll be more competitive towards later preliminary round. So earlier application is recommended!
The first application deadline is April 27.
SNS open!
Like the BEST! 's Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter are now open!
Like the BEST! Launched!
The website of "Like the BEST!" is now open and recruitment of applicants has started!
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